Sunday, March 19, 2017

Night of the Witch-- Strange Sightings of the Shadow Witch

The Shadow Witch Study Group was founded for one reason: to explore the subject of certain very strange paranormal phenomenon which have come to be known as The Shadow Witch. The sightings are many and usually involve an encounter with a mysterious figure that comes in darkness as a black silhouette that appears to most as female personage wearing a pointy, wide-brimmed hat and sometimes having a swirl of serpents around her head. Her eyes and those of the serpents glow red and although the sightings have been described as "eerie," "creepy," and "unsettling," there are two distinct kinds of sightings of this figure which seem to depend largely upon the character of the person being visited. Some of these experiences leave people with a profound sense of peace and protection, while some give the impression that the figure means to exact retribution against the party involved for his or her bad behavior.

The figure sometimes invokes a feeling of protection around the person who experiences the vision. Many of these occurrences have been followed by strange near-misses with accidents, or even very fortunate occurrences like unexpected windfalls. These types of visitations are, in about 80 percent of cases we've documented, experienced by women who have had negative or abusive situations in their romantic or personal lives. The feeling expressed by these experiencers is usually one of relief or peace and situations around the person which may be dangerous or traumatic are often found to work themselves out in most unusual and profound ways. The Shadow Witch is seen by many of these persons as a sort of guardian or karmic adjuster.

The other distinct type of experiences with The Shadow Witch often involve persons who are abusive and cruel. People whose actions have hurt innocent people. These visitations often precede very violent ends for the evil-doers in question. There are many of these cases in which the victim of the evil-doer who is confronted by The Shadow Witch, is also a recipient of The Shadow Witch's protection and blessings.

In some cases we are currently looking at, The Shadow Witch has been seen first by the person in need of protection and then by the person from whom they need protection-- with very different outcomes. The abusers, in these cases, and anyone who is an ally of the abuser, find themselves in line for a swift and severe reckoning. The victims of these abusers find their luck turning.

While the manifestations are frightening, occurring in the dark, often when people wake from sleep to find The Shadow Witch staring at them not everyone is left with a negative impression of the being. In one case a victim of domestic violence woke to see The Shadow Witch at the foot of her bed, red eyes peering from the black shape. Then many more eyes appeared as a halo around the brim of her pointed hat that, as the vision clarified, were seen to be many writhing snakes. As terrifying as such a vision might sound, the woman was immediately infused with a feeling of safety unlike anything she had felt since the first year of her marriage to her violent, angry spouse. "It was as if something inside of my head that wasn't quite my voice, was saying, 'don't worry-- it's going to be taken care of.'"

The very next night, without knowing anything of his wife's vision, the husband reported to his wife that he saw a terrifying figure of a witch at the foot of the bed and the feeling it gave him was one of impending doom. It was exactly a week later that he was killed in a freak accident at his work, leaving his beleaguered wife safe from his frequent rages. This site is dedicated to finding accounts of The Shadow Witch and understanding what this figure is and what its purpose is.

Super Blue Blood Moon,
a royal spectacle, indeed
the Pleiades, Ten Celestial 
Spheres. Alternating Between
The Shape of Water
Red shift and Blue shift
mirror perspectives. Water 
Margin, Searchlight Engaged, 
Zelda, a classified experiment,
Siren Siren Siren "threat to
Society" What you don't see:
synochronicities. No less. 
Lyra, Vulpecula, starlight. 
Pitch and Funk, Writhe,

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